Make Your Mark Digital Marketing Agency





(It'll be fun, promise!)

Clients Seen In

Clients Seen In

Our Mission

To make women more money so that you can have more autonomy over your time, money, & energy. 

...because PAID women build strong communities & literally change the world.

Our holistic, human based approach to Facebook™ Ads has led to some amazing results, like:

🌮 $450,000 in one month from $5,000 in ad spend for an online coach

🌮 $131,000 in revenue for an online service based business, from just $2,571 in spend

🌮 An 42X ROAS within 30 days for digital products in the online coaching industry

🌮 Scaling an e-commerce store to consistent $30,000 months on just $3k/month in spend

Over to our amazing client results...

$450,000 in 1 month with $5,000 in ad spend

"We were overwhelmed, burned out, and at our wits end with facebook ads!

We were struggling with leads.

Ashleigh grew our list by thousands of leads in the matter of weeks and expanded our reach across our social media platforms.

And because of her ads magic we had an a amazing launch to the tune of $450,000 and brought in new leads and new clients!

Ashleigh She is knowledgable, friendly, response and gets great results!."

Liz (Online Coaching)

"$310,000 since we started! I've been through 3 ads managers and never seen results like this"

" I was able to take my first vacation in 3 years. I knew there was a piece that my business was missing but I didn't know what it was. Ashleigh took a look at my business and what I was doing and immediately identified where my gaps were and helped me come up with a plan to close it. Ashleigh took the time to make sure I understood how to navigate some areas that I was not familiar with before as far as my funnel. Now I average between 20K and 30K per month with my ads. And I had my
first 50K month ever!

Lauren (Online Services)

"Went from a 1.2 ROAS to 3.6 in the first 2 weeks"

"I connected with Ashleigh Chanél because i KNEW that some of my FB ads needed tweaking. I've had DAILY sales for the first time since I started running ads, and it has been awesome and Ashleigh is bomb dot com

Kya (Digital Products)

"$18k over the weekend"

"I signed with Ashleigh just in time for the holiday season. It is the busiest time for us because people want to look good. Ashleigh helped me bundle my products and create in-person and online packages for the BFCM. We made 18K over the BFCM weekend! Oh and can I mention how sad our landing pages were. They weren't set up in a way that made it easy for the customer to buy or even make them want to buy. Ashleigh fixed that!"

Jasmine (E-Commerce)


  • You’ve worked with agencies that DIDN'T get you any results (or any better than you could do yourself) and at this point you've spent upwards of $15k between fees and ad spend

  • You've worked with agencies that did not understand your clients. (big issue when you want to make sales)

  • Some of your ads aren't awful, but they could be better and you're ready for your ads to work and significantly ramp up the results. You know it's possible because you've seen the results of others.

  • ​Your offers convert well organically, but you're wondering why your ads aren't reflecting your amazing products and services.

Your other agency or ads person let you down & that totally sucks!

Now you're ready for an agency that's actually committed to you, your clients, & your results!

You're done with agencies lulling you into false security with a high number of clicks and video view impressions that don't convert into anything but clicks... and video view impressions.

You no longer want to be left throwing money in the wind hoping things will work out when you know that quadrupling your leads is a possibility.

And you can absolutely have that.

Our clients choose us and stick with us because we're different...

We're Marketers First

Closed sales come after great marketing. We are a team of marketers who are great at ads, not ads people who know what a funnel is. Every action we take is rooted in marketing foundations, not trends.

The Depth Of Our Research

We don't create one graphic or write one word of copy until we thoroughly understand your business and your audiences action taking triggers. This includes client interviews, focus groups, & journals.

Well & World Traveled

Just like many of our clients.

Those over your strategy & copy have insights and perspectives that help us think differently about how to reach your audience and speak to their depths in ways that most can't

Our Lived Experiences

Out team's experiences in 6 to 11 figure businesses (yes billion), 27 industries, and personal experiences allows us to tap into what triggers action from your audience.


No faux pas over here. Because we understand the experiences of people in many groups you can rest assured that your ads will resonate and attract those who are right & ready.

Luxury & Low Touch

Our clients appreciate that this is truly a hands-off and bespoke experience for them. That means you don't write any copy or create graphics (unless you want to). Just sit back and let us work magic.


Different is the key word. We are tired of seeing the same ads across industries and we want better for you.

You deserve to partner with an agency that cares about you, your business, your customers, and your results. You know your business can be so much more and you are ready to work with an agency who can make scale happen.  

You're our priority but so are YOUR customers. That is why we have a human-centric approach to getting you sales from your ads. While other ad agencies are obsessing over vanity metrics we focus on your bottom line... I mean who cares what the CTR is if it's not making you money RIGHT!?

 Our clients love us because we focus on so much more than just the ads. We ensure all facets of your online marketing assets are in good shape so you can get back to what you love doing and do best... serving your humans.

"I had a $200,000 weekend with the help of her ad & funnel strategies"

I cannot begin to express how incredibly amazing Ashleigh has been!

She embodies the spirit of a great marketer and has exceeded all of my expectations.

My previous media buyer was decent, but Ashleigh has taken our campaigns to whole new level [with her personal strategies]. With her guidance, we have created ads that not only pay for themselves but also provide a steady stream of profit!!! Which is a first for us!!

I had a $200,000 weekend with the help of her ad & funnel strategies

| can't stress enough how thrilled I am to have found her!! OH & believe she's alwavs on top of the latest trends and never misses a beat!

But it's not just about the results, Ashleigh's attention to detail is what really sets her apart. She makes sure we are getting the most out of our campaigns points out opportunities that even we didn't see.

| feel so blessed to have found her!!

Rachel (Online Coaching, Digital Products & In-person events)

"Her corporate marketing experience elevates the experience gives a strong angle of perspective."

Ashleigh has such a bright bubbly personality. I know what a confusing process ads can be for somebody and so I trusted Ashleigh because she has the expertise of running all of these ad campaigns. She knows what she's talking about and I've just been really impressed with her knowledge.

Her ability to articulate in a way and break it down so that it makes sense and is not intimidating. 

I can't stress enough how much she knows about Facebook ads and were also able to put a spin on it that made it relevant to my very niche specific audience.

Ashleigh doesn't hold anything back. She has an investment mindset and was really coming from a place of wanting to help the audience which makes all the difference.

Also, her corporate marketing experience elevates the experience gives a strong angle of perspective.

Emily (Online Coaching & Course)

"she makes it a point to understand the customer to fully customize a solution for her needs."

"Ashleigh is epitome of professionalism and a consummate marketer.

She makes it a point to understand the customer to fully customize a solution for his/her needs.

She's articulate, reliable and produces phenomenal work.

One specific project was Ford Motor Company, Ashleigh's vision and concept help us provided a excellent story for our client.

This led to additional revenue for the company.

Ashleigh has a forward looking approach to client needs and focuses on delivering the right capability at the right time."

Betsy (Enterprise)

Some agencies just aren't qualified to take you where you want to go... But we ARE!

And I totally take the blame for not getting to you before they did.

High Touch Support

Communication is key in ANY relationship. You wont be left on read or have trouble contacting us. You will have direct access to me during out time together. You can feel at ease knowing that nothing falls through the cracks because you have an entire team working for you.

Specific & Specialized Strategies

Because your business is different we treat you as such. I don't rinse and repeat strategies that worked for previous clients just because you have the same business model. All strategies are tailored to your business and audience.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

The world doesn't see it without your approval. All graphics, copy, and strategies go through you before anything goes live.

We aren't stingy over here and we have nothing to hide. That's why you also have and keep access to your ads manager.

It's Either a Hell Yes or a Hell No

If we aren't excited about your business, mission, and values then we won't take you on as a client. Alignment for you and for us is extremely important. We are all about expansion with ease. In order to do that the foundation of our partnership has to be solid

More Client Results:

Fortunately for you...

We don't do restrictions & we are very impatient

What that means for you is that we create as many ads as necessary to achieve your goals.

No restrictions... because restrictions the number of ads means that it will take you longer to reach your right & ready audience. I mean, who TF has time for that!?

And like we said... impatient.

So we stop any ads that aren't performing, quickly reassess and get new ads up, which conserves your ad budget.

When you hire Make Your Mark you get access to an all-girl team with expertise in:

Funnel Strategy

Your lead magnet & funnel, & conversion strategy are crucial to the success of your ads. We provide an entire funnel strategy to ensure that you get the best results.


Through our in depth research we are able to create copy that completely connects with your audience and leads to actions taken.

Graphic Design

Creating graphics for you scroll stop is the goal. We create graphics to attract your audience. We make sure you stand out in the sea of trends.

Video Editing

One of the special things we do for our clients is set you up for paid & organic success with a virtual content day. We want to make sure we have any videos necessary to hit your goals.

We take pride in this being a hands off experience for you. The most we'll need from you is to fill out our form, give us access to your ads manager, and then give us the stamp of approval on your graphics and copy.

... and we are here for the Bougie Bunch.

💎 The ones who are here to claim everything they want and unapologetically go get it.

💎 The ones who have a massive impact to make

💎 The ones whose vast visions for their businesses that can't be done with even $30k a month

💎 The ones who believe that luxury belongs in their life

Meet Ashleigh Chanél

Your Master Marketer & Queen of Cold Traffic!

Your mission matters to me.

Your clients matter to me.

And helping you change the world helps me do the same.

I have worked across industries; tech, beauty, online business, e-commerce, real estate, retail, home renovation & healthcare. Business models;B2B, B2C, Online, e-commerce, local service. And business sizes; Enterprise, SME, & micro.

I know that you built your business to be able to do what you want, when you what, how you want. I know you have other passions and goals that THIS business is going to help you achieve.

I know that ads alone don't make you sales, which is why our conversations and packages include more than just ads.

Doing everything we can to ensure you put your best foot forward with your ads, offers, funnels, and follow-up systems are in place is what guarantees we get to the money.

We are partners in your marketing who end up turning into friends because we love our clients so much and they love us back.

Scaling women-owned & led businesses so that you can live the life you envisioned your business providing is our purpose.

💪 We do this by hiring women & minority team members and vendors whose priority is integrity and dedication is to client satisfaction.

The Fun Stuff

  • I watch cat videos almost everyday.
  • Travelled to 35 countries and I used to live in Italy.
  • I'm a connoisseur of charcuterie, hot sauce, & tacos.
  • ​​11+ years of experience generating revenue for clients via paid marketing.
  • ​​I love turning vision and strategy into reality.
  • ​​I'm an expert in EXTRA and pairing ads with funnels to scale businesses.

When you hire Make Your Mark, you’re not just getting our expertise you get care and dedication to your growth & scale. Plus we have an all-girl team of experts in creative design, Facebook ads, copywriting, and funnel strategy who can't wait to work with you.